Thursday, November 28, 2019

No Turning Back Essay Example

No Turning Back Essay Amna Chowdhrey Ms. Thoromon English/4 27 September 2012 Chapter 4-6 Quotes| Analysis| P:66-67 â€Å"There is a sympathy that will make me conscious of him. I shall see him tremble. I shall feel myself shudder, suddenly and unawares. Sooner or later, he must needs be mine:| Hester’s husband wants to know who the man is and he wanted revenge on him. This shows how much he still cares about Hester. Even though he did leave her for 2 years because he got captured by the Native Americans, he still loves her and cares for her even after what she has done| P: 75 â€Å"She grew to have a dread of children; for something horrible in this dreary woman, gliding silently through the town, with never any companion but one only child. †| Hester is clearly an outcast. And she feels like one too. She is the example that parents use to tell their children what not to do and to show them the consequences of it. This made her feel as if she was the only one who ever committed a sin. This awful agony inside her made her feel worse; on top of that it made her feel lonesome and guilty. | P:86 â€Å"In the afternoon of a certain summer’s day, after Pearl grew big enough to run about, she amused herself with gathering handfuls of wild-flowers and flinging them, one by one, at her mother’s bosom, dancing up and down like a little elf whenever she hit the scarlet letter. †| Her daughter, Pearl, is brought by great content by such an awful thing. We will write a custom essay sample on No Turning Back specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on No Turning Back specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on No Turning Back specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This shows how young and innocent she is. Even though she doesn’t have any friends because all the children in society outcast her and she doesn’t even question it. She is naive as to why they are marginalizing her. | P:79 â€Å"She knew that her deed had been evil; she could have no faith, therefore, that its result would be for good. Day after day, she looked fearfully into the child’s expanding nature; ever dreading to detect some dark and wild peculiarity, that should correspond with the guiltiness to which she owed her being. | This just comes to show how much the society has changed Hester. At first, she didn’t care what people where to whispering about her and her child when she first walked up towards the stage. But there is thought in her mind that her own child could be filled with darkness. | P: 86 â€Å"Once this freakish, elvish cast came into the child’s eyes while Hester was looking at her own image in them, as mothers are found of doing†¦Ã¢â‚¬ | Hester sees herself in her child’s eyes. She sees that her child will grow up separated from everyone else in the town, and that she will always be detached from others because she was the product of her mother’s sin which automatically means she is a sin. | Vocabulary: Alchemy- the medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposed transformation of matter. Infamy- well known for some bad quality or deed Expostulation- express strong disapproval or disagreement Vengeance- punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong. Constrained- severely restrict the scope, extent, or activity of :

Sunday, November 24, 2019

buy custom Cultural Shock essay

buy custom Cultural Shock essay Cultural shock is neither a medical condition nor a clinical term but the concept is a merely a common way of describing the nervous and confusing feelings that an individual may experience if they leave a familiar environment or culture for some other different and new culture/ living conditions (Kingsley, 2009). Moving to a new location exposes people to a lot of changes which can be stimulating and exciting, however it can be at times overwhelming as one may feel frustrated, sad, and anxious and wish for going back home. Adjusting to new culture is often difficult due to new people having grown up with different beliefs and values hence their topics of discussion, their modes of expression and how they prioritize various ideas may be unusual to the visitor. This concept is related to health because it is simply the psychological disorientation among people in new environments and negatively impacts the psychological health of an individual. It closely relates an individuals psychology to emotional response associated with it and leads to stress. There is normally emotional discomfort and psychological confusion that result to immense psychological stress with symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and a helplessness feeling. It is this psychological disorientation that links it to health (Xia, 2009). Analyze and Discuss the Concept of Cultural Shock. Causes of cultural shock. As already discussed above, cultural shock is brought about by a change in cultural environment that could a result of going oversees to visit friends, as a tourist, to study, occupation among other reasons. The concept of culture is vague because it encompasses a lot of things such as customs, traditions, values, sight, sound, smell and thinking manner which are frequently different from one country to another. Communication is very important and its modes also vary from one society to another, for instance the use of non-verbal language like facial expression and body language is quite different in most parts of the world and could also aggravate the culture shock (Na, 2009). Most importantly it should be noted that all may encounter culture shock when exposed to circumstances different from their previous cultural situations. Symptoms of cultural shock. Although all people undergo culture shock when they travel abroad, the rate of reactions greatly varies among them. There are those who experience much less reactions and others much stronger. This is manifested through various symptoms similar to some medical conditions suh as depression although it is not one because it does not last for ever. The symptoms include: melancholy, sadness and loneliness, being preoccupied with health (multiple system grievances), a desire to sleep too little or too much (insomnia), temperament changes with sometimes feeling vulnerable and powerless (Kingsley, 2009). Some people feel angry, irritated and unwilling to interact with other people. Loss of identity is quite often as one feels out of place and insecure, inability of solving simple problems is also associated with this. Most people also experience lack of confidence, development of obsessions, stereotypes concerning the new culture and longing to go back home. The symptoms are not limited to this list only as there are a couple others. Stages of cultural shock. According to psychologists, there are four main stages of cultural shock. The first one is the honeymoon (tourist) phase which lasts for about six initial months and the visitor usually is excited about the new place. Secondly it is the emptiness (rejection) phase where the visitor starts having problems with transport, food and communication and they start feel like people no longer care for them (Na, 2009). The conformist phase follows which is characterized by understanding the values and ideals of the new culture with a new feeling of pleasure and humor. Finally there is the assimilation (complete adjustment) phase the foreigners accept drinks, food, customs and habits of the host country and may prefer some things here to their own country. Minimizing the Cultural shock. Kingsley (2009) observes that there are various ways that individuals can use to minimize cultural shock including moving as a group, learning about the new culture prior to the visit, having a positive attitude towards the move, settling as quick as possible, being open to new ways, being patient, developing a hobby, learning things like language and local cooking, sustain contact with your home country, mounting contact with the new culture among other things. These are some of the various ways that one can use to confront impediments in the new environment. Reflection on implications of the link between health and the concept of cultural shock for you as a health professional The concept of cultural shock can have a devastating effect on the psychological health of the visitor. My concern is majorly on the negative impact cultural shock brings about. I have witnessed many cases of stress being brought about by the shock because when iindividuals experience a new culture and consequently the cultural shock, unfamiliarity and variation affects their own psychological changes and participation in a cultural surrounding. According to Xia (2009), the involved psychological uncertainty and emotional distress results to immense levels of psychological stress as already mentioned earlier in the discussion. My important observation is that the negative effect of cultural shock on psychology of an individual in many occasions manifests through a huge and diverse set of symptoms even though not all people will encounter all of them but at least part of them. As I already stated earlier on, the main symptoms may be illustrated as helplessness, anxiety and depression (Xia, 2009). The accumulation of the feeling of helplessness, anxiety and depression will increase the extent and degree of psychological incomprehension making it deeper and deeper hence making it difficult for someone to pay attention and learn the new culture. Additionally, the psychological disorientation can inhibit peoples capability to make decisions and solve problems and greatly reduces the morale to the new surrounding. My additional observation is that when individuals fail to overcome cultural shock symptoms, their probability of becoming hostile to the citizens of the host country is very high. This leads to what I prefer calling handicap of interpersonal relationship. It is therefore important for all people who might experience cultural shock to employ various ways available for dealing with helplessness feelings, anxiety and depression. It is therefore my humble appeal to all those who may have plans of traveling abroad to make a lot preparations to reduce the impact of cultural shock (Xia, 2009). Conclusion Due to cultural diversity as a result of globalization, cultural shock is becoming very common through the world. The differences in culture result of unfamiliarity whenever one encounter new culture and consequently there is an occurrence of psychological stress for instance feeling of helplessness, anxiety and stress. This discussion has helped me to learn many things concerning cultural shock, more particular: what the concept really means, its relationship with health, the symptoms linked with, stages it undergoes and most important how to overcome it. I have also come understand that is very important to try and learn cultures of other countries because in this era where the world has become a global village, you never know what will happen next. Buy custom Cultural Shock essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Treating learning disabilities Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words

Treating learning disabilities - Coursework Example Several people around the world are suffering learning disabilities that are not that easy to handle. Frustrating as it is, parents of such learners still find ways to have their children at least have something to shield themselves for the future. Learning might be hard for these individuals but the willingness of those people around them to have them taught makes the almost impossible possible. Through the years, several procedures of teaching has been adapted by several learning institutions in an aim of giving their students the best kind of education that they need to be shielded from the changes that are happening in the society. Frankly though, effective as these procedures are, learning institutions could not handle every need of every individual with learning disabilities all at the same time. These learners need more than just teaching; they need attention and care. Facing all these needs may be quite exhausting. Hence, to answer the issue, a proposed utilization of modern technology has been introduced to the society. From this process, it is believed that multitasking on the part of those attending the needs of these special learners would be much easier to handle. Through creating interactive games through virtual reality, these students are to be given practical process of growing to understand the games in their own pace and their own interpretation. Besides, the short time based games could help them realize the importance of the sense of achievement; a particular matter of satisfaction that could help special learners understand the importance of self-worth. There had been a series of debates over the effectiveness of this particular approach. Considerably, the importance placed on practically giving it a chance of being tested is the experiment hosted in this written report on VR games used as aides to learning for special learners. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Virtual Reality games have been practically programmed for leisure. Through the years though, observers of gamers found out that this kind of gaming give more than just fun or relaxation. From researches performed, it has been found out how these matters have been considered a source of intellectual training to the players. This is what is going to be tested through this written report. The development of a particular simple VR game and have it played by learners with learning difficulties shall be the basis of the results that are to be presented by the researchers herein. Patience, understanding and willingness to play shall be tested among the participants. The way that they respond to the experiment shall actually give a particular focus on how effective technology could be in enhancing the willingness to learn of someone who has an extraordinary case of learning. It is through this research that the proctors of the experiment believe that proving the high essential influence of technology to learners could be better identified. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The researchers of this report aims to thank the proctors who approved of this experimental approach to testing the utilization of technology towards